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  “Why I am Not an Evolutionist …”

              The Science Lecture Class Handout

 By Andy Carmichael © 2003

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13.    The laws of science prove that there is a God and they reveal His character

Laws of science : a law of science is a basic, unchanging principle of the natural physical world; a scientifically observed phenomenon that has been, and still can be, subjected to very extensive measurements and experimentation and has repeatedly proved to be invariable throughout the known universe, no matter who is conducting the experiment. Examples of scientific laws are the law of gravity, the laws of motion and the laws of thermodynamics. The theories of evolution are not laws of science but are unproven, philosophical theories of the religion of atheism promulgated by many (but not all) scientists and philosophers. The laws of science prove that there is a God who is exactly as the Bible reveals.

·         The scientific law of biogenesis

The scientific law of biogenesis was discovered and proved by the great French creationist scientist, Louis Pasteur. This law of science states that life can come only from life and so life cannot spontaneously “arise”. Life can come only from pre-existing life. So the first life on earth must have been created by a living (and therefore personal), intelligent, supernatural Being. No one has ever made new life from scratch in a laboratory (and if they did it would prove intelligent creation by people in a laboratory, not evolution !) Chemicals and dirt can never come to life of their own accord, no matter how much energy is added to them nor how much time is available.

Time and energy work against the theories of evolution. The more time there is, the worse it is for evolutionists; and the more energy, the worse it is for evolutionists because of the scientific laws of thermodynamics.

·         The 1st Law of Thermodynamics (“the law of conservation of mass / energy”) (“E = mc2 ”)

“The sum total of energy plus matter in a closed system is constant. Energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed but can only change form. There is no overall gain or loss in the sum total of ‘energy plus matter’.”

This law of science means of course that there is nothing in the universe (a closed system) capable of bringing the universe into being because energy and matter cannot be created by anything in the universe ... Therefore the universe must have been created by Someone outside the universe.

Apart from information, everything that exists in the universe is some form of energy (even matter is a form of energy) and everything that happens in the universe is some form of energy transfer. The three laws of thermodynamics are the scientific laws that govern the relationship between heat and work – they govern all transfers of energy and so govern everything that has ever happened in the physical universe :

“The process of evolution requires energy in various forms, and thermodynamics is the study of energy movement and transformation. The two fields are clearly related. Scientific laws that govern thermodynamics must also govern evolution.”

(Dr Emmett L. Williams, PhD in metallurgical engineering, former Professor of Physics at Bob Jones University, 1981 [58] )

·         The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (“the law of entropy”)

“In a closed or open system, spontaneous processes lead to a decrease in order. Energy moves to a lower potential, becoming less available to do work. Things move in a direction from order to chaos.”

In other words, things fall apart ! This law of science means that if the universe (a closed system) were infinitely old (i.e. without beginning), the universe would now be in a state of complete disorder and would have died the heat death that astronomers predict. Since the universe is not currently in a state of complete disorder, the universe must have had a beginning a finite time ago – and this beginning cannot have been very long ago as everything we see in the universe is still in a state of high order and available energy :

“Another way of stating the second law then is, ‘The universe is constantly getting more disorderly !’ Viewed that way we can see the second law all about us. We have to work hard to straighten a room, but left to itself it becomes a mess again very quickly and very easily. Even if we never enter it, it becomes dusty and musty. How difficult to maintain houses, and machinery, and our own bodies in perfect working order : how easy to let them deteriorate. In fact, all we have to do is nothing, and everything deteriorates, collapses, breaks down, wears out, all by itself – and that is what the second law is all about.”

(Isaac Asimov, evolutionist, 1970)

The second law of thermodynamics is just as valid for open systems as it is for closed systems :

“… there are no known violations of the second law of thermodynamics. Ordinarily the second law is stated for isolated systems, but the second law applies equally well to open systems.”

(John Ross, scientist from Harvard University, 1980 [59] )

The implications of the Second Law of Thermodynamics have caused many evolutionists to forsake the theories of evolution for scientific creation. Even death is a manifestation of this law of science.

·         The 3rd Law of Thermodynamics

“Order is at a maximum at absolute zero temperature. Adding energy (e.g. raising the temperature) results in disorder.”

This law of science is the reason you put your food in the fridge or freezer rather than leaving it out in the warmer air. The 3rd law of thermodynamics means that adding energy from the sun (or any other energy source) cannot bring chemicals to life in a hypothetical primeval soup – it can only increase the disorder of these chemicals. Just as a bull in a china shop adds a lot of energy to the contents of the china shop, that increased energy results in increased disorder – and the china figurines do not somehow come to life. A bull in a china shop adds undirected energy. What is needed to create life is directed energy with information. As the hypothetical “primeval soup” contains no information, “primeval soup” is thus scientifically ruled out as the precursor of life ...

No experimental or scientific evidence has ever disproved any of the Laws of Thermodynamics, which therefore remain some of the best science that exists :

“There is no recorded experiment in the history of science that contradicts the second law or its corollaries …”

            (G.N. Hatspoulous and E.P. Gyftopoulos, physicists, 1970 [60] )

“It is probably no exaggeration to claim that the laws of thermodynamics represent some of the best science we have today. … In many decades of careful observations, not a single departure from any of these laws has ever been noted.”

(Dr Emmett L. Williams, PhD in metallurgical engineering, former Professor of Physics at Bob Jones University, 1981 [61] )

·         The Law of Cause and Effect

The law of cause and effect follows directly from the laws of thermodynamics and states that :

“Every effect must have a cause. The effect cannot be greater, in size or in kind, than the cause.”

This means firstly that every effect we see in the physical space-time universe must have had a cause, and we can therefore trace all effects back to a First Cause. There must exist somewhere outside of the physical space-time universe a First Cause that brought the universe into being. Secondly, this First Cause must be greater in size and in kind than time, therefore the First Cause must be eternal and must itself have had no origin or beginning in time.

Third, since space stretches beyond the limits of human detection, the First Cause of space must be greater than this, and hence probably infinite. Fourth, the universe contains a lot of energy – in the sun, the stars, gravitational attraction, etc. The First Cause of all the energy in the universe cannot be less than the sum total of all the energy in the universe. So the First Cause must be omnipotent.

Fifth, there is a vast information content in the universe – the intrinsic properties of matter and the genetic information in all the varied animal and plant life we see, living and extinct. The First Cause of all this information in the universe must be greater in size and in kind than all the information in the universe, therefore the First Cause must be all-knowing or omniscient. Sixth, we human beings have a personality and volitional will. In order to create the effect of personality in people, the First Cause must have personality. The effect (human personality) cannot be greater in size or in kind than the cause. Therefore human personality cannot have come from some impersonal “cosmic Force” of pantheism. Seventh, we (as human personalities) are interested in other personalities and so it is not unreasonable to suppose that the First Cause created us so that He (a personal Creator) could have fellowship with us and us with Him …

This is how far science will take us. From here we must look into the Bible to find out more about our Creator God. Yet this is exactly what we see revealed in the Bible – the eternal, infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, personal, caring, relational God – Jesus Christ Himself – who is revealed in Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1-3 as creating all time, space, matter and information by personally speaking it into existence 6,000 years ago :

If you just give scientists enough time, they will finally catch up with the Bible ...

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