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From my heart to yours Devotion

Darlene Zschech Inspiration

God uses nobodies

God uses nobodies...

Have you ever thought: "God, I really love you and I just wish you could use me - somehow! 'I want to be a missionary in Africa', 'solve world poverty', 'show my classmates Your love', or at the very least 'just please use me to get my dog saved' :)"

Are you one of those people who posts a video on YouTube and comes back weeks later to find nobody else has even watched it. You walk around at school and people just seem to bump into you - as if you were invisible:). Nobody even talks to you, and you would die of shock if anyone showed the slightest interest in your opinion.

Some of us grow up so shy/bashful, that even the thought of witnessing to your dog scares the living daylight out of you :). I remember there was a time in my life that when I was so concerned what others thought of me, that it even affected the way I walked.

When I was a young teenager I used compare myself to my talented sister. She was the STAR of the family, entering public speaking events, performing mime and dramas... she was so outgoing and had so many friends.

Too often we think God just uses the talented - WRONG! God uses those who rely on Him, regardless of their natural talents. In fact God finds it easier to use that don't rely on their talents, - but instead rely on Him. I have learnt to say to God... "everything I can't do - use it for your glory"... and miraculously He does... Yes, God will even use your quirkiness, awkwardness and embarrassments for His glory.

Reinhard Bonke says: "Jesus does not choose us because of what we are, but because of what he makes from us."

Reinhard is a simple German man who God has used phenomenally to touch the continent of Africa with the awesome news of Jesus Christ, but he had small beginnings. A refugee whose father became a prisoner of war, Reinhard didn't do well in school, or in his work apprenticeship. Even his own father who was a pastor discouraged him when God called him to ministry. At the age of ten when Reinhard got his calling to go and reach Africa with the good news of Jesus, his father discouraged him saying: "Reinhard, your oldest brother shall be my successor...".

History has certainly told a different story of this 'nobody' that most people would have discarded. He now runs city-wide meetings across the continent of Africa with as many as 1.6 million people attended a single gathering. In these massive meetings people meet Jesus, are filled with the Holy Spirit, sick people are healed and the power of the gospel is demonstrated.

How?! you may ask? Who does God call and Equip? When Jesus chose his twelve disciples, he chose what some may see as losers - after praying for hours.

Reinhard Bonke explains it well:


"I don't need to pray twelve hours and the make such bad choices ... impetuious Peter, a man with a quick temper... He chose the sons of Zebidee... they were hotheads... He came down from the mountain and he chose ordinary people - people like me and people like you. With all our mistakes, with our weaknesses He still chooses us. I think if I had been Jesus, I wouldn't have gone to the beach for some ignorant fishermen."

"I think I would have gone to the university.... I would have said to the professors, - give me a list of the finest young men, the sharpest brains, movers of people, great orators.... Jesus didn't come close to a university. He chose ordinary people.... God doesn't need Superman and He doesn't need Superwoman."

"We may not be the choice of people, but Jesus is here to point with His finger at you and He says - I have chosen you to go and preach the word of God. In Germany we have a saying when somebody is no good, - really no good, we say 'that one over there is a ZERO'...."

..."He fails his exams, he can't find a job or can't hold a job - he's just a zero. Well I must be honest with you - when God called me I was just a zero - just a zero. But listen to what happened. When God called me - being a zero I responded. I came to Jesus and I stood next to Him. That moment I made the discovery of my life."

"Because I discovered that Jesus is the number one and when I as the zero stood next to Him we were already 10. - Any other zero here? - come and stand next to me and we are already 100. Any more zeros? 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000. And then I realised Jesus puts value into every zero. I don't even mind to be the last zero, because the last zero is the most valuable. 100000000 is more than 100 as long as the one is in front - Jesus, - we are all highly valuable, but take the one away, and we are all but zeros again."

"This is how God calls, how God chooses. It's a secret that needs to be understood. It doesn't matter who you are what you are. Jesus makes you valuable, highly valuable. He calls you, He equips you and He sends you and He will be with you all the way right to the end of time and to the end of the earth...."


Not many years back, when I myself was a teenager with many complexes, insecurities and hangups, - there was a point in my life that I was so low that I would think "I almost don't have anybody else in my life but you God". That is the point when Jesus can start to use us - when we come to an end of our own holiness, reasoning and abilities - and trust Him to take over.

God does not really care how qualified you are: You may be a high school dropout, or a budding genious. It doesn't matter if you are a huge sinner, psychologically challenged, confident, or full of complexities. God doesn't care if we are great leaders, movers of people or talented communicators. In God's eye's we are all nobodies compared to His talent, skill and perfection.

That's the beauty of grace... All we need to do is believe in, and grasp hold of what Jesus did for us... Jesus took our poverty, sin and sickness, insecurities, and quirkiness - and as we rest in His grace, - He gives us an abundant life - we are all on the same playing field.

We are nothing.

He is everything!

Our skills don't impress God, our holiness doesn't impress God. When God looks at us, he sees the Christ-skills, Christ-thoughts, Christ-abilities, and yes - even the holiness of Jesus.

One of the best songs I have ever heard has got to be "Heaven on Earth" by Darlene Zschech when she talks about how God mended her broken heart:

rags to riches; so they say.
she got her break,
and she found her way.
i admit this may sound strange,
but this girl is dancing a different way.

if they only knew,
how You've mended my broken wings,
now im flying.

Your love is heaven on earth;
i'll shout it out.
to all of the world,
there's no doubt.
my greatest dream has come true,
just to be loved by You.

whom You set free is free indeed,
i've got the strength of my God in me.
You restored my dignity;
completely, You love me.

if they only knew,
how You've mended my broken wings,
now im flying.

just to be loved by you;
im in heaven, heaven on earth.
promise to promise;
this must be heaven on earth.
glory to glory;
this must be heaven, heaven on earth.

Next time you feel like a nobody - remember: "Jesus does not choose you because of what you are, but because of what he makes from you."

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The unquoted text of this article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

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Most quotations of Reinhard Bonke quoted from the Full Flame Movie -

The original title picture used was licenced under the Creative Commons -

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